KevCooksPlants Has Moved!

2 min readJan 5, 2022

Here’s what it means for you.

Hey everyone! I know it’s been a while… I hope you’re all doing well.

As everyone knows, this COVID mess has disrupted everyone’s lives. But as we reflect on the past year (or ignore it completely!) and look forward to the next, I wanted to share some news. KevCooksPlants has officially moved from the Wordpress site covered in obnoxious ads and bells and whistles, to a Medium site with NO ADS. There are several reasons for this, but the primary one being that I started this site as a way to share recipes, interact with others, share experiences, and have fun… and I care about your experience on the site too!

Over the past few years, it’s felt more like a part-time job (which I have no time for) and a struggle to offset web hosting fees with ad revenue (which never seems to cover the cost). So rather than continuing to operate this site in the red, I’ve moved it to a more creator-friendly and visitor-friendly site.

All of my recipes and blog posts have been moved to the Medium site, and the website URL has been forwarded, so you can still reach the site by going to However, if you’ve previously bookmarked specific recipes, you’ll need to update your bookmarks/favorites with the address they’ve moved to. You can easily search for recipes at the top-right of the home page, so hopefully that’s not too much of a hassle for you!

Since running this site and creating recipes still has some cost associated with it (ingredients, supplies, and of course time), I’ll still have my BuyMeACoffee link at the bottom of each recipe, so if you really love something and feel inclined to send a tip along, I’m forever grateful and appreciative.

As always, thanks for going on this journey with me, and thanks for hanging in there through the ups and downs (and periods of silence when life gets in the way).

Love this site? Want to leave a tip to help support KevCooksPlants and keep the recipes flowing? Use the BuyMeACoffee button below to show your support!

For more great recipes, make sure you subscribe!

Do you have a favorite recipe you’d like to share on KevCooksPlants? Send it to me at and I’ll take a look (and of course credit you when it’s posted).



Hi, I'm Kev. I cook plants and play pickleball. Top Writer in Cooking, Recipe, Plant Based, Vegan. Find me on IG @kdpickleball